I'm sitting in my housemate's La-Z-Boy after watching Planet Earth, the Pittsburgh Penguins vs New York somebodys (I'm not much of a hockey fan, until more recently), Wheel-of-Fortune, Parks & Recreation, The Office and The Marriage Ref. I also swept the kitchen, wiped down the counters and finally did the dishes that I'd left unclean in the sink for at least a week and a half. It is my duty as a house member to pull my own weight and I do so in binges..
It was just soo nice today in Portland, that I could hardly get anything done. I threw on my sunglasses, shot some hoops (mostly missed) and watched the day pass right by through the window from the seat where I currently reside. I thought to myself: "It's Blog Time!" and thus here I am typing about doing dishes and watching The Marriage Ref. You might think I was tweeting or something... Let's get serious though.
I have other responsibilities too, as you might imagine; school, for example... and there are probably others... Anyways, lucky for you (or unlucky), I am also writing the blog for this year's Collegiate Challenge! Do you have any idea what that is? Odds are, the average person reading knows what we are up to, but just in case! (https://pilots.up.edu/web/servelearn/home) …Not that the website tells you much about us... You'll get a much better understanding by reading this blog throughout the week. If this blog post was an episode of LOST, I'd probably stop right here and leave you hanging, but I'm nicer than that, so I'll pawn up a little more.
Spring Break 2010 is less than a day away. My friends have been talking for the past 2-3 weeks about their plans in some far off exotic land like Cancun, LA, Vegas (go pilots bbx!), Disneyland, etc. Where we're headed is a bit colder. We'll be in Eastern Washington this Spring Break in the lovely city of Spokane. This place is as dry as a desert in Summer and cold as a tundra in Winter. The National Weather Service is already calling for a possibility of snow on Monday night, Tuesday and Wednesday. Now that's a bit far in the future to forecast though, so we'll see what actually happens.
There are a total of 14 people participating in the plunge this year and on Saturday all 14 of us will be likely hopping in a few vans and riding off, marking the beginning of our weeklong adventure. It’s hard to say what exactly is in store for us, but I expect it to be both a lot of fun and highly interesting. We’ll be working with Habitat for Humanity Spokane. That’s one sure thing at least. Our weathered leader Lindie participated in the Collegiate Challenge last year, so we expect to be heading into this not completely unawares. Here's a picture of her building a freaking house! Awesome note to end on.
..I’ll blog tomorrow about how we have prepared for our Collegiate Challenge throughout the first half of this semester.
~ Official Historian: C.C.MMX
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