Gruss Gott alles!
I know the title is lame and so is the link below, but I liked the idea and once I listened to the theme song again I was sold on the idea. Once they start saying "Monday, Tuesday happy days.." it makes me think of each day here. (aaaahhhh... I know.)
Coming up with a title for each post is like a blogger's worst nightmare. You have to pick a word or phrase that sums up the day or the blog entry. Most of the time I pick something that probably makes little sense to anyone. That is probably the safest bet, because then everyone who reads it will just be like "haha, those crazy kids, what silly things they say these days." Honestly, a lot goes into each title, but its a bit like hitting shuffle on your Ipod. Yeah a lot of stuff pops up that doesn't make sense, or is completely inappropriate, but you hope you might find something eventually to settle on.
Okay, now that I've unnecessarily given you blogging 101, since you're probably here to read about our adventures, I'll move on to what's important; Our hump day.(P.S. we're going back to small pictures, because they upload faster and you can see the big versions on the Picasa page [see "Photos!" post]

The group will probably kill me (in mafia) for uploading these stunna morning pictures, but I believe I said in the last entry that I'd try and get some shots from outside the work site. Here are some of us in all (maybe just some) our glory! We are readyy to take the day.
I may have also mentioned these sweet cars that we drive from place to place occasionally. Here's a nice picture of them polluting the planet on the cold and crisp morning that today was. Captain Planet would not be happy (insert unnecessary picture of Captain Planet(seriously though, you might want to be googling Captain Planet right now))
Okay, anyways, Bill (project volunteer coordinator) informed us this morning at the work site that Wednesday (hump day) is always the most lazy, because people are starting to get tired etc.. And do you think we had that??? I don't think So. It was more like a self fulfilling prophesy. If you ask anyone, Bill sabotaged the efficiency by disappearing for long periods of time for an unknown reason. He was off probably chatting it up with the neighbors and forgot that he has a team building a house.. haha. What a crack up though. He told us a joke today about an Irish man in America trying to stay connected with his two brothers. Have you heard that one? Try googling it maybe?

Oh Yeah! We got to work right away. Note the state of the house at the end of the last day. Despite hard work from Kyle the window prep wasn't done for today and yet by the end of the day the super-stellar crew consisting of (I believe) Charlie, Katie, Leslie, Jenn & Kyle finished prepping, installing and sealing every one of the twelve windows on the duplex!
They were for sure not the only stars of the day, but the sure impressed me. I liked a quote a overheard from Joe, one of the Americorps people. He said to another 3rd party volunteer re the window crew I just named "At the beginning of the day those guys knew nothing about installing windows and now I know I can leave them to it and it'll get done right." Pretty sick, way to go team!
Ever since my zoology post, I've been craving to capture some more wild animals in action. Therefore, I am proud to present exhibits 7 & 8... This is the moment when I wish I could convey a wicked Australian on the barbie accent through text. Please imagine it.
Exhibit 7

Oh Crikey! In front of you now kids is a Brain capable of accelerating to speeds similar to that of a wild Dingo! The Brian probably lives in the treetops of neighborhood. It runs on all four and terrorizes most birds that do not hear the Brian until the last moment. This species of Brian nimbly moves from treetop to treetop often leaping without a second thought. It is notably more nimble than other creatures, such as the wild Kyle which is know to stumble and fall to the ground on a regular basis. Remember how we said that a sighting of the wild Kyle is rare? That is because when the wild Kyle falls, he/she will often rampage like the Tasmanian Devil to be sure no one saw the goofy incident.
Exhibit 8

Before us now, we witness the miracle of life in the creature kingdom. A baby Brian S is fed by its mother the Nikki. We can tell the different between the two creatures, because the baby always is born with a blue outer fur coat. The coat sheds after approximately 3 year and become the pink color we all know and love. Look as the Brian learns to use its mouth to consume the food provided to it by the mother. Struggle is a way of life in the creature world and luckily this Brian looks strong enough to survive the harsh cold afternoon that will inevitably come in this day.

Here Tynishia and Jenni (it has come to my attention that I called Tynishia Synthia in my first post.. which I apologize for and to anyone who may have been confused) Anyways, The back of the house needed to have plywood attached, icedams attached and shingles put in place. Tynishia and Jenni (and Brian C?) ran all the plywood cover today and attached the metal lining to the roof.
I stumbled upon Maryanne and Charlie after having come down from the roof where Tynishia and Jenni were at. We had all heard there was painting that needed to be done today and we were probably all wondering who got that sweet job. I came in and asked for a picture and they were so good at their job that they had nothing left to paint, which consequently, means boring picture. (I'm imagining the farmer/wife/pitchfork one, but with paint brushes) Anywho, they agreed to pose and it turned out much better that way.

I worked with Lindie all day, who has been fighting a battle with some flooring the past two days. Today we focused, however, on the counter-tops. We pretty much destoryed (good) that task and we quickly found ourselves searching for Bill for the next step or out taking pictures. Here's Lindie creeping on someone. I don't know who they are.... because I was too busy creeping on Lindie... AHh

Of course, Lindie and I still had our difficulties. This nail here, zum Beispiel (i.e.), is the product of a failed nailgun attempt. I believe the reason for this strange accordion affect is the fact that I drove the nail directly into another nail. Lindie in the photo above narrowly avoided an embarrassing photo of her face pressed against the counter-top. She was reaching for something she had dropped and it was just out of reach. It was a memorable struggle.
Lindie and I rocked out to country music today. I went out on a limb this trip and proudly announced my admiration of the genre only to be harshly shot down by most. It has been a good experience though, because it reinforces the idea that I need to keep that little tid bit about my life under wraps until I get to know people better. Thanks Brian and Lindie for being so accepting!! : )
Here's a bit of what I did while we were waiting for belated Bill...

It is amazing how many faces you can find around a construction site. Do you all know where I was inspired to do this from? Wasn't that a cool commercial?? Way to go American Express, Mastercard or whichever company that was! You make too much money, but you at least put out cool ads.
There are more on the website once I upload them and if any of you are on Facebook, I have made it a point in life to capture these happy little moment and keep them in an album on Facebook.
I'm gonna skip lunch, which was enchiladas, catching aerial sweeties and a little soccer ball juggling, because I'm dying and need to go to bed.
We gathered the force and before lunch we took a group photo while sitting on the roof. We got Bill, Tara, Joe and EVEN Tom in there! If anyone reading this donated to our trip you may (...) get a 5x7 in the mail as a thank you for supporting us. I'll still post it though, because I don't want to be like.. "well you might just print it even though you did help fund us..." (imagine immature nasalized angry voice) ... (what's funny is that's almost what I sound like right now (minus the angry and hopefully minus the immature))

We're planning on giving an 8x10.5 to Habitat for Humanity Spokane group that has hosted us. They have made us lunch every day and we are incredibly grateful for all they've done.
Finally, we have a treat for you reader!! We had mucho sunshine today and Nikki was nice enough to show us The Sun Dance. Lindie and Brian S were quick to jump in on the action and they demonstrate how even the normal joes/janes can learn a new step or two. I love how you can hear the construction sounds in the background and Nikki, who may or may not be available for tutoring, insists that no music is necessary for the dance. Without further ado, I give you our up and coming dance stars Nikki, Lindie and Brian!
Good night!
~Official Historian C.C.MMX
I know the title is lame and so is the link below, but I liked the idea and once I listened to the theme song again I was sold on the idea. Once they start saying "Monday, Tuesday happy days.." it makes me think of each day here. (aaaahhhh... I know.)
Coming up with a title for each post is like a blogger's worst nightmare. You have to pick a word or phrase that sums up the day or the blog entry. Most of the time I pick something that probably makes little sense to anyone. That is probably the safest bet, because then everyone who reads it will just be like "haha, those crazy kids, what silly things they say these days." Honestly, a lot goes into each title, but its a bit like hitting shuffle on your Ipod. Yeah a lot of stuff pops up that doesn't make sense, or is completely inappropriate, but you hope you might find something eventually to settle on.
Okay, now that I've unnecessarily given you blogging 101, since you're probably here to read about our adventures, I'll move on to what's important; Our hump day.(P.S. we're going back to small pictures, because they upload faster and you can see the big versions on the Picasa page [see "Photos!" post]
Okay, anyways, Bill (project volunteer coordinator) informed us this morning at the work site that Wednesday (hump day) is always the most lazy, because people are starting to get tired etc.. And do you think we had that??? I don't think So. It was more like a self fulfilling prophesy. If you ask anyone, Bill sabotaged the efficiency by disappearing for long periods of time for an unknown reason. He was off probably chatting it up with the neighbors and forgot that he has a team building a house.. haha. What a crack up though. He told us a joke today about an Irish man in America trying to stay connected with his two brothers. Have you heard that one? Try googling it maybe?
They were for sure not the only stars of the day, but the sure impressed me. I liked a quote a overheard from Joe, one of the Americorps people. He said to another 3rd party volunteer re the window crew I just named "At the beginning of the day those guys knew nothing about installing windows and now I know I can leave them to it and it'll get done right." Pretty sick, way to go team!
Ever since my zoology post, I've been craving to capture some more wild animals in action. Therefore, I am proud to present exhibits 7 & 8... This is the moment when I wish I could convey a wicked Australian on the barbie accent through text. Please imagine it.
Exhibit 7
Oh Crikey! In front of you now kids is a Brain capable of accelerating to speeds similar to that of a wild Dingo! The Brian probably lives in the treetops of neighborhood. It runs on all four and terrorizes most birds that do not hear the Brian until the last moment. This species of Brian nimbly moves from treetop to treetop often leaping without a second thought. It is notably more nimble than other creatures, such as the wild Kyle which is know to stumble and fall to the ground on a regular basis. Remember how we said that a sighting of the wild Kyle is rare? That is because when the wild Kyle falls, he/she will often rampage like the Tasmanian Devil to be sure no one saw the goofy incident.
Exhibit 8
Before us now, we witness the miracle of life in the creature kingdom. A baby Brian S is fed by its mother the Nikki. We can tell the different between the two creatures, because the baby always is born with a blue outer fur coat. The coat sheds after approximately 3 year and become the pink color we all know and love. Look as the Brian learns to use its mouth to consume the food provided to it by the mother. Struggle is a way of life in the creature world and luckily this Brian looks strong enough to survive the harsh cold afternoon that will inevitably come in this day.
Here Tynishia and Jenni (it has come to my attention that I called Tynishia Synthia in my first post.. which I apologize for and to anyone who may have been confused) Anyways, The back of the house needed to have plywood attached, icedams attached and shingles put in place. Tynishia and Jenni (and Brian C?) ran all the plywood cover today and attached the metal lining to the roof.
I stumbled upon Maryanne and Charlie after having come down from the roof where Tynishia and Jenni were at. We had all heard there was painting that needed to be done today and we were probably all wondering who got that sweet job. I came in and asked for a picture and they were so good at their job that they had nothing left to paint, which consequently, means boring picture. (I'm imagining the farmer/wife/pitchfork one, but with paint brushes) Anywho, they agreed to pose and it turned out much better that way.
Lindie and I rocked out to country music today. I went out on a limb this trip and proudly announced my admiration of the genre only to be harshly shot down by most. It has been a good experience though, because it reinforces the idea that I need to keep that little tid bit about my life under wraps until I get to know people better. Thanks Brian and Lindie for being so accepting!! : )
Here's a bit of what I did while we were waiting for belated Bill...
There are more on the website once I upload them and if any of you are on Facebook, I have made it a point in life to capture these happy little moment and keep them in an album on Facebook.
I'm gonna skip lunch, which was enchiladas, catching aerial sweeties and a little soccer ball juggling, because I'm dying and need to go to bed.
We gathered the force and before lunch we took a group photo while sitting on the roof. We got Bill, Tara, Joe and EVEN Tom in there! If anyone reading this donated to our trip you may (...) get a 5x7 in the mail as a thank you for supporting us. I'll still post it though, because I don't want to be like.. "well you might just print it even though you did help fund us..." (imagine immature nasalized angry voice) ... (what's funny is that's almost what I sound like right now (minus the angry and hopefully minus the immature))
We're planning on giving an 8x10.5 to Habitat for Humanity Spokane group that has hosted us. They have made us lunch every day and we are incredibly grateful for all they've done.
Finally, we have a treat for you reader!! We had mucho sunshine today and Nikki was nice enough to show us The Sun Dance. Lindie and Brian S were quick to jump in on the action and they demonstrate how even the normal joes/janes can learn a new step or two. I love how you can hear the construction sounds in the background and Nikki, who may or may not be available for tutoring, insists that no music is necessary for the dance. Without further ado, I give you our up and coming dance stars Nikki, Lindie and Brian!
Good night!
~Official Historian C.C.MMX
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